16&17 November GloBAS International took part in The Going Global Fair in London – one of the leading events for taking business overseas. Over just two days of the event, GloBAS had dozens of interesting discussions at the G160 stand with prospects clients and partners.
“We were positively surprised how well our concept of expanding sales abroad was received. At this type of fair, people are used to meeting consultants, translating companies and legal advisers. But the key for any business is sales, customers and profit. We strongly believe that before risky and huge international investments, there should come a smart way of testing the market – and all it requires is a local and native door opener.”, says Irina Voronkina CEO and Founder of GloBAS Group.
During the fair, Irina held a keynote speech about going to the global market effectively. She touched upon 10 practical hints on how to be well prepared for international expansion, how to make it in a reasonable and cost-effective way, what to expect after the first steps abroad and how to manage sales in different regions.
We welcome those who have not had a chance to be there in London at Going Global, to schedule a one-to-one discussion. We will be happy to brainstorm about your company situation and suggest our expertise for the first steps or in-depth business development abroad.