GloBAS International establishes strategic direct cooperation with Free Zones in the UAE to serve its customers even better.
“We are keeping a special focus on the Middle East market and especially the UAE. Our customers have a great interest to develop business there due to tremendous growth of the region, attractive tax conditions and transparent business costs. Today GloBAS is an official partner of a number of Free Zones in the UAE, which we are really proud about”, Irina Voronkina Founder and CEO of GloBAS Group tells.
GloBAS Group LLC, with a registered branch in the UAE, is helping customers not only to research the new markets and to expand sales there, but also to guide customers smoothly through the procedure of establishing their new companies or branches in the UAE. For the newcomers, it might be difficult to investigate and to understand the best jurisdiction for their company in a new country. There are over 40 different Free Zones and 7 mainlands in the UAE. Depending on the task, we analyze and research all the possible options and suggest customer several solutions which suits their needs in the optimal way.
We are in direct contact with all the Free Zones in the UAE and act as an official representative agent of a number of authorities. It allows us to be constantly aware about the best conditions for company establishment, to understand the vertical specializations and the key points of each authority.
From another hand, as independent contractor, we always serve interests of our customers and look for solutions, which will suit them best.
Contact us to discuss and consult about the company establishing options in the UAE