2019 was the third year in a row with record foreign direct investment (FDI) in France. 1,468 new decisions on FDI were recorded in 2019, an 11% increase on 2018 (1,323 decisions). On average, 28 investment decisions were recorded each week in France last year, compared to 25 in 2018. This highly positive momentum reaffirms the confidence which economic decision-makers have placed in France. According to the Kantar – Business France survey, in January 2020 nearly nine in 10 business leaders (87%) regarded France as an attractive foreign investment destination.
The United States remains the leading investor in France with 16% of recorded projects, but its increase (+3%) is below the average for the main European countries. A very close second, Germany accounts for 15.5% of all investment, followed by the United Kingdom, which recorded the biggest jump among the top ten investing countries: up 142%, with a 12% share of all listed projects. 2019 saw the realization of Brexit-related decisions on the French financial centre.
Source: Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/)