6 – 10th February GloBAS International has arranged a prospective B2B meetings visit to Azerbaijan for Serge Ferrari Group, a world-known manufacturer of innovative composite materials for lightweight architecture and outdoor equipment applications.
GloBAS International started to work with VERSEIDAG-Indutex GmbH back in 2019 managing business development and acting as their local sales representative in the CIS region. Since in 2020 Serge Ferrari Group announced the acquisition of Verseidag-Indutex it was our honor to continue working with a group of companies.
Exploring the markets, which are hidden out of the top priorities of regional targets, might bring surprisingly pleasant opportunities to the vendors.
“The trip to Azerbaijan was very productive. During just 3 days we managed to visit some of the most important governmental organizations. They have noted, that now the Azerbaijani government is investing most of its budget to reconstruct the territories of Nagorny Karabakh. These territories are meant to be the most touristic areas for future years, as well as one of the most important lands for oil and gas”, says Leyla Abbasova the project manager for Serge Ferrari and regional manager for the Azerbaijan market.
Considering the sales perspective, we must remember that the valuable profit does not always lie in the well-known, but hugely competitive regions. The timely scheduled discussion with the right person at the top regional company might bring vendors a fruitful deal much faster and easier. Want to explore the hidden regions for your company? Just schedule a meeting through this link or contact us at contact@globasinternational.com